- 藤本 忠博,今野 晃市,千葉 則茂, ポイントグラフィックス概説,芸術科学会論文誌,Vol.3, No.1,
pp.8-21, 2004 [pdf]
村岡 一信,菊池 淳,藤本 忠博,千葉 則茂,空気力学を考慮した樹木の揺らぎアニメーション法, 芸術科学会論文誌,Vol.10,
No.3, pp.140-147, 2011 [pdf]
Shaojun Hu, Tadahiro Fujimoto, Norishige Chiba, Pseudo-dynamics model of a
cantilever beam for animating flexible leaves and branches in wind field,
The Journal of
Computer Animation and Virtual Worlds, Vol.20, No2-3(CASA'2009
Special) , pp.279-287, 2009 [pdf]
- S.Ota, M.Tamura, T.Fujimoto, K.Muraoka and N.Chiba, A Hybrid Method for
Real-Time Animation of Trees Swaying in Wind Fields, The Visual Computer,
Vol.20, No.10, pp.613-623, 2004 [pdf]
伊藤 智也,中野 誠士,藤本 忠博,千葉 則茂,崩落岩塊の堆積を伴う岩場景観のシミュレーション,芸術科学会論文誌
,Vol.3, No.3, pp.197-199, 2004 [pdf]
伊藤 智也,藤本 忠博,千葉 則茂,柱状節理の形成過程を考慮した岩場形状モデリング,芸術科学会論文誌,Vol.3,
No.1, pp.86-95, 2004.3
- 小川 優樹, 松山 克胤, 藤本 忠博, 千葉 則茂,ろうそくの炎の静止画像から炎の揺らぎアニメーションを生成するノイズベースモーフィング,芸術科学会論文誌,Vol.10, No.4, pp.276-284, 2011[pdf]
- 竹下 大樹,太田 真,田村 真智子,藤本 忠博,村岡 一信,千葉
則茂,爆発火炎の粒子ベースビジュアルシミュレーション法,芸術科学会論文誌,Vol.3, No.2, pp.159-167, 2004
- P.Nugjgar, T.Fujimoto and N. Chiba, Markov-type velocity field for efficiently animationg water stream, The Journal of
The Visual Computer,
Vol.28, No.2, pp.219-229, 2012 [pdf]
- M.M.Maes, T.Fujimoto, N.Chiba, Low-Memory and Interactive-Rate Animation of Water-Column Based Flows, The Journal of the Society for Art and Science,
Vol.7, No.1, pp.1-13, 2008 [pdf]
- P.Abderyim, T.Fujimoto, N.Chiba, M.Geni, Surface Reconstruction for Particle Simulation Using Level Set Method, The Journal of the Society for Art
and Science, Vol.6, No.3, pp.154-166, 2007 [pdf]
- Wang Qiang, Yao Zheng, Chen Chun, Toru Suzuki, Tadahiro Fujimoto and Norishige Chiba, Efficient Rendering of Breaking Waves Using MPS Method,
Journal of Zhejiang University SCIENCE A, Vol.7, No.6, pp.1018-1025, 2006 [pdf]
- 高橋 孝彰,藤本 忠博,千葉 則茂,滝のノイズベースアニメーション,芸術科学会論文誌,Vol.4, No.2, pp.68-76, 2005
- M.Abdukadir, T.Fujimoto, M.Geni and N.Chiba, An
Efficient Hybrid Method for Animating the Growth of Large-Scale Cumulus-Type
Cloud, The Journal of the Society for Art and Science, Vol.6, No.4, pp179-196,
2007 [pdf]
Xin Yin, Tadahiro Fujimoto, Norishige Chiba, and Hiromi T.Tanaka, Modeling of
Wood Aging Caused by Biological Deterioration, Journal of Advanced:
Computational Intelligence and Intelligent Informatics, Vol.12, No.2,
pp.125-131, 2008 [pdf]
X.Yin, T.Fujimoto and N.Chiba, CG Representation of Wood Aging with
Distortion, Cracking and Erosion, The Journal of the Society for Art and
Science, Vol.3, No.4, pp.216-223, 2004 [pdf]
- 尹 新,藤本 忠博,村岡 一信,千葉 則茂,木材経年変化のビジュアルシミュレーション法,芸術科学会論文誌,
Vol.1, No.3, pp.108-110, 2002 [pdf]
- Y.Sato, T.Fujimoto, K.Muraoka, N.Chiba, Stroke-based Suibokuga-Like Rendering
for Three-Dimensional Geometric Models - Ten and Shun Touches -, The Journal of the Society for Art and Science, Vol.3,
No.4, pp.224-234, 2004 [pdf]
- 中川 大介,藤本 忠博,村岡 一信,千葉 則茂,水彩パース図風レンダリング法, 芸術科学会論文誌,Vol.2, No.1, pp. 40-50,
2003 [pdf]
- C.Zhu, K.Muraoka, T.Kawabata, C.Cao, T.Fujimoto, N.Chiba, Real-time
Animation of Bird Flight Based on Aerodynamics, The Journal of the Society for
Art and Science, Vol.5, No.1, pp.1-10, 2006 [pdf]
T.Fujimoto, Y.Ohno, K.Muraoka and N.Chiba, Wrinkly Surface Generated on
Irregular Mesh by Using IST Generalized on Code Space and Multi-Dimensional
Space: Unification of Interpolation Surface and Fractal, IEICE Transactions on
Information and Systems , Vol.E85-D, No.10, pp.1663-1677, 2002 [pdf]
T.Fujimoto, Y.Ohno, K.Muraoka and N.Chiba, Fractal Deformation Using Displacement Vectors Based on Extended
Iterated Shuffle Transformation, The Journal of the Society for Art and Science, Vol.1, No.3, pp.134-146,
2002 [pdf]
- K.Matsuyama, T.Fujimoto and N.Chiba, Real-time Animation of Spark
Discharge, The Journal of Visual Computer, Vol.22, No.9-11, pp.761-771, 2006
- ソソラバラム バトゥジャルガル,藤本 忠博,村岡 一信,千葉 則茂,電界を考慮した稲妻のCGモデル,画像電子学会誌,Vol.32, No.1,
pp.64-69, 2003.1 [pdf]
中野 誠士,藤本 忠博,千葉
則茂,倒壊・崩壊のアニメーション生成のための粒子要素法的シミュレーション手法,芸術科学会論文誌(ショートペーパー),Vol.2, No.3,
pp.85-86, 2003 [pdf]
K.Matsuyama, T.Fujimoto, N.Chiba, Generating Spark Discharge Sound for
Interactive Animation using WM-wave, The Journal of the Society for Art and
Science,Vol.7, No.4, pp.145-154, 2008.12
K.Matsuyama, T.Fujimoto, K.Muraoka and N,Chiba, Generation of Tree Movement
Sound Effects: Research Articles, The Journal of Computer Animation and
Virtual Worlds, Vol16, No.5, pp.531-545, 2005 [pdf]
松山 克胤,藤本 忠博,村岡 一信,千葉 則茂,風による樹木の揺らぎの効果音の効率的な生成法,芸術科学会論文誌,Vol.3, No.1,
pp.76-85, 2004 [pdf]
- ソソラバラム バトゥチメグ,藤本 忠博,千葉 則茂,
バイラテラルフィルタと多重サイズスプラットによるポイント表現された曲面の簡易化手法,芸術科学会論文誌,Vol.9, No.3,
pp140-153, 2010 [pdf]
- 吉田 勝久,藤本 忠博,原美 オサマ,千葉 則茂,複数LDIを用いた半透明点群の効率的な描画法,芸術科学会論文誌,Vol.2, No.9,
pp.73-84, 2010 [pdf]
- ソソラバラム バトゥジャルガル,グンジェー
No.4, pp.215-221, 2007 [pdf]
- Z.Gunjee, T.Fujimoto, N.Chiba, Point Splatting Based on Translucent Shadow
Mapping and Hierarchical Bucket Sorting, The Journal of the Society for Art
and Science, Vol.6, No.1, pp.21-36, 2007 [pdf]
- 佐藤 陽悦,藤本 忠博,千葉 則茂,GAによる奥行き画像へのプリミティブ当てはめのための基礎的検討,芸術科学会論文誌,Vol.5, No.4, pp.92-94, 2006
- 金野 哲士,今野 晃市,藤本 忠博,千葉 則茂,測定点群を用いた建造物モデリングのための特徴線抽出法と特徴線マッチング法,芸術科学会論文誌,Vol.5,
No.3, pp.80-91, 2006 [pdf]
- Takahiro Daimon and Tadahiro Fujimoto,
Interactive Video Editing for Occluded Object Using Synthetic Aperture Imaging,
The Journal of the Society for Art and Science, Vol.14, No.5, pp.198-206, 2015[pdf]
- 竹中 史雄, 藤本 忠博, 原美 オサマ, 千葉 則茂,投影マッピングを利用した多視点カメラ映像からのリアルタイムな仮想視点映像生成法,芸術科学会論文誌,Vol.10, No.4, pp.263-275, 2011[pdf]
- F.J.Menendez, O.Halabi, T.Fujimoto, N.Chiba,Enhancing 3D Scenes Using a Laser Projector in Real-time,The Journal of the Society for Art and Science,Vol.10, No. 4, pp.234-240, 2011[pdf]
Francisco J. Menendez, Osama Halabi, Tadahiro Fujimoto, Norishige Chiba, A
Correction Algorithm for Distorted Laser Images, The Journal of the Society
for Art and Science, Vol.8, No.1, pp.1-14, 2009.3 [pdf]
Purkhet Abderym, Osama Halabi, Tadahiro Fujimoto, Norishige Chiba, Accurate
and Efficient Drawing Method for Laser Projection, The Journal of the
Society for Art and Science,Vol.7, No.4, pp.155-169, 2008
- 越後谷勇介,藤本忠博,微細な物体輪郭を再現する半透明境界拡張テクスチャ合成法,芸術科学会論文誌,Vol.16, No.3, pp.40-55, 2017 [pdf]
- 鈴木康太,藤本忠博,パッチベースイメージキルティング探索法を用いた2画像の相対配置の最適化によるイメージモンタージュ法,芸術科学会論文誌,Vol.16,
No.3, pp.56-74, 2017[pdf]
- 越後谷勇介,横山俊希,藤本忠博,物体輪郭を再現する境界拡張テクスチャ合成法,芸術科学会論文誌,Vol.15, No.2, pp.86-97, 2016
- Zixiang Lu and Tadahiro Fujimoto,
Iterative Refinement of Alpha Matte using Binary Classifier,
The Journal of the Society for Art and Science, Vol.14, No.5, pp.207-219, 2015[pdf]
- Khuslen Battulga, Tadahiro Fujimoto, View-dependent
Projection Mapping Enhanced by Real Background, The Journal of the Society for Art and Science Vol. 20, No.1,
pp.55-71, 2021[pdf]

- Tsetsegjargal Erdenebaatar, Tadahiro Fujimoto, Kouichi Konno, Study on Wiping Operation to Accelerate Human Activities on Hidden Object Game, The Journal of the Society for Art and Science Vol. 21, No.4,
pp.233-240, 2022[pdf]
Khuslen Battulga and Tadahiro Fujimoto, View-dependent Projection Mapping
for Enhancing 3D Effect, The 16th International Conference of Asia Digital
Art and Design (ADADA International 2018), pp.151-156, 2018.11
- Tsetsegjargal Erdenebaatar and Tadahiro Fujimoto,
An Interactive Entertainment by Triangulation-based Image Emergence,
The 16th International Conference of Asia Digital Art and Design (ADADA International 2018),
pp.236-241, 2018.11
- Yusuke Sasaki, Tadahiro Fujimoto, Efficient Virtual View Rendering by
Merging Pre-rendered RGB-D Data from Multiple Cameras, IWAIT2018, 2018.1
- Mizuki Tachibana, Tadahiro Fujimoto, Image Montage for Constructing Photorealistic Virtual World from Different Real Scene Images,
IWAIT2018, 2018.1
- Yusuke Echigoya, Toshiki Yokoyama, and Tadahiro Fujimoto, Interactive Paint System Using Boundary Expansion Texture Synthesis,
IWAIT 2017, pp.1-4, 2017.1
- Kota Suzuki and Tadahiro Fujimoto, Montage of Multiple Images using
Optimal Relative Arrangement by Patch-based Image Quilting Search, IWAIT
2017, pp.1-4, 2017.1
- R.Kojima and T.Fujimoto, Effective View-dependent Weighting of Multiple
Videos for Smooth Virtual View Transition, IWAIT2016, 2016.1
- P.Nugjgar, T.Fujimoto, N.Chiba, Markov-Type Velocity Field Designed for
Endless Animation of Water Stream, CGI2011, 2011.6
- P.Nugjgar, T.Fujimoto and N.Chiba, Generating Endless Animation of Water
Stream Based on Time-Limited Simulation, IWAIT2010, 2010.1
- B.Sosorbaram, T.Fujimoto, N.Chiba, Generation of Multiresolution Point Set
Surfaces Using Multisized Splats, NICOGRAPH International2009, 2009.6
- S.Hu, T.Fujimoto and N.Chiba, Pseudo-dynamics model of a
cantilever beam for animating flexible leaves and branches in wind field,
CASA2009, pp.279-287, 2009.6 [Abstract]
- P.Abderyim, O.Halabi, T.Fujimoto, N.Chiba, An Efficient Drawing Method
for Laser Projector, NICOGRAPH International, 2008.5 [Abstract]
- S.Hu, T.Fujimoto, N.Chiba, Simulation of Broad Leaves Deforming in Wind
Field, NICOGRAPH International, 2008.5 [Abstract]
- F.J.Menendez, O.Halabi, T.Fujimoto, N.Chiba, Camera-based Calibration of
Multiple Laser Projectors for Collaborative Projection, NICOGRAPH
International, 2008.5 [Abstract]
- M.Abdukadir, M.Geni, T.Fujimoto, N.Chiba, Multi-Purpose Recursive Mapping
Method for Animating Large-Scale Cumulonimbus Clouds, Proc.IWAIT2008, (IEICE
technical report. Image engineering,Vol.107, No.411,pp.313-318), IWAIT2008.1[Abstract]
- K.Matsuyama, T.Fujimoto, N.Chiba, Real-time Sound Generation of Spark
Discharge, Proc. Pacific Graphics2007(PG'07), pp.423-426, 2007.10 [Abstract]
- M.M.Maes, T.Fujimoto, N.Chiba, Efficient Animation of Water Flow on
Irregular Terrains, Proc.GRAPHITE 2006, pp.107-115, 2006.11 [Abstract]
- K.Matsuyama, T.Fujimoto, N.Chiba, Real-time Animation of Spark Discharge,
Proc. Pacific Graphics 2006 and the Journal of Visual Computer, Vol.22,
No.9-11, pp.761-771, 2006 [Abstract]
- P.Abderyim, T.Fujimoto, N.Chiba, Surface
Reconstruction for Particle Simulation Using Level Set Method, Proc. NICOGRAPH
International2006, pp.153-158, 2006.6 [Abstract]
- F.J.Menendez, T.Fujimoto, N.Chiba, Volumetric Particle Method for
Animating Viscous Fluids, Proc. IWAIT2006, pp.36-41 (IEICE technical report.
Image engineering, Vol.105, No.500, pp.127-185), 2006.1 [Abstract]
- G.Zorig, T.Fujimoto, N.Chiba, Translucent Shadow Mapping for Particle
Based Rendering, Proc. IWAIT2006, pp.232-237, (IEICE technical report. Image
engineering, Vol.105, No.500, pp.127-185), 2006.1 [Abstract]
- W.Qiang, B.Jiajun, C.Chun, T.Fujimoto and N.Chiba,
Surface Reconstruction for Animation of Ocean Waves, Proc. CAD/Graphics 2005,
pp.477-482, 2005.12 [Abstract]
- G.Zorig,
B.Sosorbaram, T.Fujimoto, N.Chiba, Real-time Rendering of a
Large-Scale Particle Cloud, Proc. NICOGRAPH International2005, pp.167-171, 2005.5 [Abstract]
- M.Abdukadir, M.Geni, T.Fujimoto, N.Chiba, Particle-based Visual Simulation
of Sand Deformation Caused by Wind Blowing, Proc. NICOGRAPH International2005,
pp.37-42, 2005.5 [Abstract]
- X.Yin, T.Fujimoto, N.Chiba, Visual Simulation of Wood Aging Caused by
Biological Deterioration, Proc. NICOGRAPH International2005, pp.49-54, 2005.5 [Abstract]
- T.Konno, K.Konno, T.Fujimoto, N.Chiba, Automatic Point Cloud Registration
Based on Feature Lines, Proc. NICOGRAPH International2005, pp.141-146, 2005.5 [Abstract]
- T.Konno, K.Konno, T.Fujimoto, N.Chiba, Point Cloud Registration Based on
Feature Lines Derived from Depth Difference, Proc. IWAIT2005, pp.499-504, 2005.1[Abstract]
- D.Takeshita, T.Fujimoto, N.Chiba, Recursive Particle Generator for
Animating Plume Fluid, Proc. IWAIT2005, pp.487-492, (IEICE technical report.
Image engineering, Vol.104, No.545, pp.115-120), 2005.1 [Abstract]
- T.Fujimoto, S.Miyauchi, T.Suzuki, N.Chiba, Noise-based Animation of Waving
Phenomena, Proc. IWAIT2005, pp.459-464, (IEICE technical report. Image
engineering, Vol.104, No.545, pp.93-98), 2005.1 [Abstract]
- K.Matsuyama, H.Abe, T.Fujimoto, N.Chiba, Thunder Synthesis for Animating
Lightning, Proc. IWAIT2005, pp.539-544, (IEICE technical report. Image
engineering, Vol.104, No.545, pp.161-166), 2005.1 [Abstract]
- B.Sosorbaram, D.Takeshita, T.Fujimoto, N.Chiba, A Visual Model of
Lightning Lifecycle in Thunderclouds, Proceedings of NICOGRAPH International2004, pp.57-61, 2004.5
- Y.Sato, T.Fujimoto, N.Chiba, Suibokuga-like Rendering for
Three-Dimensional Geometric Models, Proceedings of NICOGRAPH International2004, pp.107-112, 2004.5
- X.Yin, T.Fujimoto, N.Chiba, Visual Simulation of Wood Weathering Involving
Distortion and Cracks, Proceedings of NICOGRAPH International2004, pp.62-67, 2004.5
- T.Fujimoto, N.Chiba, Fractal Deformation Using Displacement Vectors and
Their Increasing Rates Based on Extended Unit Iterated Shuffle Transformation,
Proceedings of Fractal2004, pp.57-68, 2004.4
- D.Takeshita, S.Ota, M.Tamura, T.Fujimoto, N.Chiba, Particle-Based Visual Simulation of
Explosive Flames, Proceedings of Pacific Graphics, pp.482-486, 2003.10
- K. Matsuyama, S. Ota, M. Tamura, T. Fujimoto, K. Muraoka, N. Chiba, Animating Tree Movement with Sound Effects Generation,
Proceedings of Eurographics2003, Slides&Videos, pp.1-3, 2003.9[Abstract]
- Y. Oda, S. Ota, M. Tamura, T. Fujimoto, K. Muraoka, N. Chiba, Visual
Simulation of Lava Flows Employing Particle-based Approach,
Proceedings of Eurographics2003, Slides&Videos, pp.35-37, 2003.9[Abstract]
- S.Ota, M.Tamura, K.Fujita,T.Fujimoto, K.Muraoka, N.Chiba, 1/fβ Noise-Based Real-Time Animation of Trees Swaying in Wind Fields,
Proceedings of CGI2003, pp.52-59, 2003.7[Abstract]
- T.Ito, T.Fujimoto, K.Muraoka, N.Chiba, Modeling Rocky Scenery Taking into Account Joints,
Proceedings of CGI2003, pp.244-247, 2003.7[Abstract]
- Y.Rodkaew, S.Siripant, C.Lursinsap, P.Chongstitvatana, T.Fujimoto and N.Chiba, Modeling
Leaf Shapes Using L-systems and Genetic Algorithms, Proceedings of NICOGRAPH International, pp.73-78, 2002[Abstract]
- T.Fujimoto, Y.Ohno, K.Muraoka and N.Chiba, Fractal Deformation Based on Extended Iterated
Shuffle Transformation, Proceedings of NICOGRAPH International, pp.79-84, 2002[Abstract]
- B.Sosorbaram, T.Fujimoto, K.Muraoka and N.Chiba, Visual Simulation of Lightning
Taking into Account Cloud Growth, Proceedings of CGI2001, pp.89-95, 2001